Governance Consultant
Ethiopia - MCM & Joachim Discussion 4 (Best one).jpg





+ Vanuatu Sustainable Economic Development Zone

Michael is leading the feasibility study and the development of laws, policies, and institutions to govern an economic development zone (EDZ) in Vanuatu. The EDZ will have a special legal and administrative status, allowing it to promote innovation and sustainable and inclusive development.

His contract is with the Vanuatu Department of Industry from December 2019 to the present.

+ Ethiopia Sustainable Development Zones

Michael is developing the institutional, legal, and policy architecture for new special zones that reduce barriers to housing, land, finance, and economic opportunities. The zones should make it much easier for migrants in developing countries to live and work legally by legalizing informal settlements and economic activities.

He has performed this work since October 2018 under contracts with UN HABITAT and Private Foundations in partnership with his colleagues at the SDZ Alliance.

+ Space Settlement

Michael is the founder and lead of the Lunar Development Cooperative (LDC) Working Group and developed the LDC concept. The LDC will be a public-private partnership that provides infrastructure and critical public services to enable a thriving human settlement on the Moon. The LDC is designed to generate a profit by capturing rising land values on the Moon. He formed this concept and group in collaboration with space experts from the National Space Society and other space organizations.

They have been working on this project since July 2019. Read the white paper for more.


U.S. Policy

+ Prison Reform

Michael developed the concept for Rewarding Rehabilitative Outcomes (RRO), a pilot project that promotes restorative justice by equipping and incentivizing non-governmental correctional organizations to rehabilitate inmates. RRO would compensate organizations caring for inmates as clients in direct proportion to their clients' life outcomes after release.

Read the white paper for more.

+ Housing Reform

Michael developed three pragmatic policy solutions to address the housing shortage faced by major cities. Each solution rewires the political and economic incentives so that communities directly benefit from development, rather than only experiencing the downsides.

Two of the solutions are described in Housing Cities.


International and Space

+ Space Settlement

Michael is the founder and lead of the Lunar Development Cooperative (LDC) Working Group and developed the LDC concept. The LDC will be a public-private partnership that provides infrastructure and critical public services to enable a thriving human settlement on the Moon. The LDC is designed to generate a profit by capturing rising land values on the Moon. He formed this concept and group in collaboration with space experts from the National Space Society and other space organizations.

They have been working on this project since July 2019. Read the white paper for more.

+ Refugee Cities / SDZ Alliance

Michael is the founder of Refugee Cities and the SDZ Alliance, NGOs dedicated to establishing special jurisdictions that remove barriers to enabling migrants to legally work, build homes, and access finance. The concept is premised on the idea that informal settlements and the informal economy are regulatory artifacts -- poor regulations actually create the informal sector. Refugee cities and SDZs lower the regulatory barriers that force low-income people into the informal sector and collect public revenue through rising land values.

Michael founded Refugee Cities in September 2015. In August 2019, Refugee Cities was merged into the SDZ Alliance, which was founded by Michael, Joachim Ruecker, and Kilian Kleinschmidt.

+ International Investor-State Dispute Resolution as a Mechanism for Combating Corruption

Michael provided advisory assistance from June - July 2014 to Not in My Country, an NGO combating corruption internationally. He developed ideas for how to use international investor-state arbitration as a tool to hold countries accountable. He also helped develop a strategy for establishing an International Anti-Corruption Court.

+ World Bank Urban Development

Michael provided legal and policy assistance on municipal law, finance, and city management. This work included research on municipal land use, governance, infrastructure finance, and urban development, land titling, and African mining laws.

Michael carried out this work in Washington, DC, as a short-term consultant for the World Bank Legal Vice Presidency (Private-Sector, Infrastructure, and Finance Unit) and for the Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development from September 2013 to May 2014.


Latin America

+ Honduras Zone for Employment and Economic Development (ZEDE)

Michael advised Honduras Prospera on the laws, policies, and administrative frameworks for an autonomous jurisdiction in Honduras. He and his team at Politas Consulting helped with the area's founding charter, income tax and land-value tax law, and on investor-state dispute resolution, customs/trade, immigration, and private arbitration & court system matters.

He and the team performed this work under contract from April 2017 to August 2019.

+ Mexico's Special Economic Zone Feasibility Study

Michael developed an organizational structure, regulatory functions, and policies for Mexico's Special Economic Zones (SEZs). He consulted Banobras, Mexico's state development bank, on the functions of best-practice SEZ developers, operators, and regulators around the world, provided comments on the SEZ bill and proposed regulations, and gave detailed advice on income tax incentives and a range of other policies for the SEZ.

Michael performed this work under two separate efforts. He provided comments on the SEZ bill under a subcontract for a World Bank project in June 2015. Later, he performed extensive work on the feasibility study and regulations from March - October 2016 as part of an IDOM Consulting contract with the Government of Mexico.

+ Diagnostic Assessment of Chile's Free Zones

Michael conducted an evaluation of the impact of Chile's Free Zone program and provided recommendations on the free zones laws and fiscal incentives. This work included a comprehensive analysis of free zone governance, labor regulations, customs and trade, licensing procedures, sector-specific policies, land-use planning and more. It also included a thorough cost-benefit analysis of the fiscal incentives in the free zones - including income tax, VAT, and customs duties incentives - and recommended changes to better acheiving the goals of the program.

Michael performed this work as a subcontractor with Locus Economica for a World Bank technical assistance package for the Government of Chile from October 2016 - March 2017.

+ Diagnostic Assessment of Peru's Free Zones

Michael carried out an evaluation of the impact of Peru's Free Zone program and recommended improvements to the free zones laws and institutional framework. This work included analysis of all policy areas affected by the zone and the coherence between multiple overlapping zones programs. He also conducted thorough research and developed case studies on the US Foreign Trade Zones, Korean EPZs and FEZs, and Mexican maquiladoras.

Michael conducted this work as a subcontractor with Locus Economica on a World Bank project for the MINCETUR (Government of Peru) from October 2015 - March 2016.

+ Brazil's Proposed Special Jurisdictions

The Brazilian government asked Michael to speak at the 5th Annual Public Sector Innovation Week and to consult with them on strategies for the development of new special-status charter cities in November 2019. Michael presented options for the governance structure of the cities and a political strategy for implementing them into legislation.


East Asia and Pacific

+ Vanuatu Sustainable Economic Development Zone

Michael is leading the feasibility study and the development of laws, policies, and institutions to govern an economic development zone (EDZ) in Vanuatu. The EDZ will have a special legal and administrative status allowing it to promote innovation and sustainable and inclusive development.

His contract is with the Vanuatu Department of Industry from December 2019 to the Present.

+ Bhutan PPP Structure for Multi-Modal SEZ

Michael served as a special economic zone (SEZ) governance consultant for a private-sector investor seeking to develop a special-status city in Bhutan.

+ Development of the Laos SEZ Program

From October 2015 - March 2016, Michael drafted the Laos SEZ Strategy 2030, which included:

  • Identification of the economic challenges in Laos that can be addressed through an SEZ.
  • Guiding principles for determining SEZ goals and recommended SEZ goals
  • Regional competitive analysis for Laos in targeted investment sectors
  • Analysis of the spatial economic characteristics of Laos and identification of optimal locations for SEZs
  • Investment climate assessment of Laos
  • Recommended standards for Lao SEZs
  • Benchmarking and competitive analysis of SEZs in the region

Michael also drafted recommended provisions for the 2016 SEZ Bill regarding dispute resolution, anti-money laundering, one-stop shops, and policies and services at different kinds of SEZs.

Finally, from November 2016 - March 2017, Michael produced a parliamentary briefing paper regarding the SEZ Bill to assist its passage.

Michael's work on the SEZ Strategy and SEZ Bill were provided through Locus Economica under a project funded by GIZ (Government of Germany). His work on the parliamentary briefing paper was provided under a project of The Asia Foundation.

+ Myanmar Ethnic Minority Political Rights

Michael provided research and drafted a report advising ethnic minorities in Myanmar on their efforts to acquire greater political rights. His work included a thorough analysis of comparative state practices from similar movements. He carried out this work through the Public International Law and Policy Group from August 2012 to June 2013.


Eastern Europe and Asia

+ Southeastern Europe Trans-border Special Economic Zone

Michael helped develop the governance framework for a trans-border special economic zone with EU-aligned laws and administrative institutions. The zone should help facilitate EU integration, peace, and economic development.

He performed this work under contract from May - June 2019.

+ Republic of Georgia Advisory Assistance

Michael provided legal and policy advice to Georgia on a few issues. In February 2018 he spent several days in Georgia consulting the Anaklia Development Corporation on its planned Anaklia SEZ. Previously, in March - April 2013, he advised the government on mechanisms for reducing corruption through the Public International Law and Policy Group.

+ Afghanistan Industrial Parks and Free Zones

Michael drafted a preliminary feasibility study for new "development zones". The development zones would leverage airports and other infrastructure being transferred from US / NATO control to the Afghanistan government to stimulate economic development. The zones would do much more than provide good infrastructure and incentives -- they would improve governance in Afghanistan by incubating new institutions within the zones that can serve as pilots for the rest of the nation.

Michael developed this vision in December 2017 - January 2018 as part of Politas Consulting under a subcontract for a USAID project.

+ Pakistan SEZ Program and Punjab New City and Industrial Estates Growth Program

Michael helped develop reforms for Pakistan's SEZ program and to the provincial government of Punjab's industrial estates program and new city project. This work involved assessing and providing recommended improvements to the SEZ Act and SEZ Rules concerning governance framework, authorized activities, customs rules, tax incentives, site-selection criteria, social safeguards for existing populations, and investor-state dispute settlement.

He also helped structure public-private partnership frameworks for the financing, development, and operation of SEZs, including the creation of an infrastructure fund for both development and socio-environmental needs. He conducted an economic, social, and environmental risk analysis for the Punjab industrial estates and evaluated the performance of industrial estate administrators and operators and recommended changes to their design and function.

Michael also provided input on the plans for a new city of over one-million people along the "Silk Road" connecting China to the Gwadar Port.

Michael provided this assistance with Locus Economica under a subcontract on a World Bank funded project from June 2015 - January 2016.

Michael helped enhance the organizational efficiency and functioning of the Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA) and the Hi-Tech Parks Authority (HTPA). He also helped improve their PPP concession agreements for economic zones and high-tech parks. This work included a thorough report assessing BEZA's and HTPA's process for procuring private-sector developers, analysis of two existing concession agreements, and other materials.

Michael performed this work from November 2016 - February 2017 on behalf of Locus Economica for a World-Bank project.

+ Nepal SEZ Legislative Framework

Michael conducted an assessment of Nepal's 2016 SEZ Act and its draft 2016 SEZ Rules and provided detailed recommendations regarding the SEZ regulatory authority, allocation of governance responsibilities between the public and private sector, business licensing procedures, dispute resolution, custom import & export regulation, tax incentives, foreign currency regulations, labor regulations, foreign worker visa requirements, and other issues.

Michael performed this work from October 2016 - January 2017 with Locus Economica as a subcontractor under a Palladium / DfID-funded project.


Middle East and North Africa

+ New Special-Status City

Michael led his team of lawyers and policy experts at Politas Consulting to advise a Middle Eastern country on policies for a new semi-autonomous city. His work involved analyzing the country's current challenges, identifying the policy areas the city should have autonomy over to achieve its goals, and guidance on how to reform policy within the city. Policies included immigration, urban planning, companies' law, islamic social norms, business regulatory procedures, courts, foreign investment, public-private partnerships, criminal law, and contracts and tort laws. He also advised on a range of incentive schemes ranging from tax incentives, financial incentives, and regulatory incentives.

He and the team performed this work under contract from September - November 2018.

+ Sustainable Development Zone Strategy for Libya

Michael developed a strategy for promoting stability, economic development, and migrant integration through cities and SDZs in Libya. The strategy was designed to simultaneously improve the livelihoods of migrants, lay the groundwork for stability and development in Libya, and reduce migration to Europe through opportunities in Africa.

He performed this work in partnership with IPA / Switxboard and European funders from November 2017 - February 2018

+ Qatar Economic Zones Pre-Feasibility Studies

Michael developed a regulatory framework, standard operating procedures, marketing strategy, value proposition, risk-mitigation analysis, and implementation strategy for the Qatar Economic Zones (QEZs). This work included an analysis of potential regulatory frameworks, the structure for an autonomous QEZ regulator, organizational structure and functions of QEZ developers and operators, and an investment promotion strategy.

Michael carried out this work under a subcontract with Locus Economica, Buro Happold, and Manateq (Gov't of Qatar) from October 2014 - February 2015.

+ Development of Yemen's Constitution

Michael helped analyze potential constitutional provisions for decentralization of power in Yemen. He carried out this work through the Public International Law and Policy Group from November 2012 - January 2013.


Sub-Saharan Africa

+ Ethiopia Sustainable Development Zones

Michael is developing the institutional, legal, and policy architecture for new sustainable development zones (SDZs) that reduce barriers to housing, land, finance, and economic opportunities. The zones should make it much easier for migrants in developing countries to live and work legally by legalizing informal settlements and economic activities.

He has performed this work since October 2018 under contracts with UN HABITAT and private foundations in partnership with his colleagues at the SDZ Alliance.

+ Africa-Wide Action Plan for SDZs and New Cities

Michael led a team to develop a strategy for how the continent of Africa can develop new cities and SDZs that provide opportunities for both migrants and host communities. This work involved evaluating opportunities and challenges, development new governance models, and proposals for the delivery of infrastructure, health, education, and financial services.

He performed this work under a subcontract on a project with the Office of the Chancellor of the Government of Austria from July 2017 - January 2018.

+ Zambia Special-Status City

Michael helped lay the groundwork for an effort to develop a new city in Zambia with autonomy over a wide range of policies affecting the business environment. In addition to helping develop the concept, Michael met with several cabinet-level and senior government officials to explain the project. He carried out this work from November 2018 - April 2019.

Michael helped develop a comprehensive legal framework Kenya's special economic zone (SEZ) program. His work included drafting Kenya's SEZ Regulations 2016 (Leg. Suppl. 61), service-level agreements, administrative orders, and related materials. He produced detailed regulations and administrative procedures for the cabinet ministry covering the administration of SEZs, designation of SEZs, licensing procedures, inspection and reporting requirements, one-stop shop services, investor protections, land-use and construction rules, penalties, investor-state dispute resolution, foreign work visas, labor rules, tax regulations, customs procedures, and foreign exchange and financial services. He also drafted position papers for trade unions defending the SEZ Act and Regulations.

Michael performed this work under multiple subcontracts with Locus Economica for World Bank projects from September 2014 to March 2017.

Michael helped with the development of Rwanda's SEZ program in several ways. First, from June - December 2015, he performed an assessment and provided recommendations on Rwanda's SEZ Act, policies, investment climate, trade agreements, and regulatory and operational models.

Then, from October 2016 to January 2017, he provided on-site support to the Special Economic Zones Authority of Rwanda (SEZAR) to help develop the SEZ program. He helped train staff, develop SEZ policy, and draft amendments to the SEZ Act, regulations, concession agreement, and procedures. This legislative and policy drafting work covered land rights, licensing procedures, customs requirements, tax incentives, labor regulation, foreign worker visas, and the organizational structure of SEZAR. He also led workshops and training sessions for government officials from several departments.

Michael's first Rwanda project was via a subcontract on a World Bank project. His second project was under a contract with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

Michael helped with the creation of Ethiopia's Industrial Parks program by:

  • Developing a model concession agreement for the development and operation of an SEZ / Industrial Park
  • Drafting over 400pgs of regulations under the IP Proclamation covering subjects like site approval, regulatory administrative structure, selection of developers and operators and formation of concession agreements, business licensing, work visas, construction permits, environmental regulation, land use and master planning, investor protections, labor regulations, customs regulations, tax regulations, and investor-state dispute resolution mechanisms.
  • Providing legislative analysis of the new Investment Incentives Proclamation, Investment Board Proclamation, and Customs Proclamation
  • Drafting comments on the proposed Labor Proclamation
  • Drafting standardized IP lease agreements

He performed this work under several subcontracts through Locus Economica on a World Bank PIU project for the Government of Ethiopia from September 2014 to June 2016.

+ Lesotho Industrial Parks Commercialization Strategy

Michael developed strategies for incrementally including the private-sector in the development and management of Lesotho's industrial parks. This work was included in the Buro Happold Engineering “Pre-Feasibility Study for the Pilot Commercialization of Industrial Sites in Lesoto” (2015). This work included an analysis of Lesotho's laws to determine options for privatization of state-owned assets, a detailed evaluation of potential types of public-private partnership transactions and vehicles, recommendations for the reorganization of the Lesotho National Development Corporation, and a privatization roadmap with procurement guidelines.

Michael performed this work for Locus Economica and Buro Happold from December 2014 to March 2015.

+ Madagascar SEZ Program Implementation Assistance

Michael assisted with the establishment of a regulatory authority, selection of developers and operators, and forming concession agreements for the Madagascar SEZ Program and the Rio Tinto - Ehoala Port SEZ. This work included numerous reports and memoranda analyzing various questions regarding governance of the zone, drafting terms of reference and analyzing expressions of interest, project timeline, research into prospective zone developers and operators, and guidance on the execution of the project implementation plan.

Michael carried out this work through Locus Economica from October 2015 - June 2016 under a World Bank funded project for the Government of Madagascar.

+ Senegal SEZ Program Reform and Diamniado Integrated Growth Platform

Michael provided advice on the law, incentives, and institutions to govern an integrated industrial platform and SEZ in Senegal. This work included a detailed report assessing potential investment incentives, trade agreement preferences, comparative analysis of SEZ programs in other countries, recommended amendments to the SEZ law, and other assistance with the governance of the zone.

Michael carried out this work on behalf of Locus Economica under a UNIDO contract.

+ State-Building Assistance for South Sudan

Michael advised the Government of South Sudan on a number of public law and policy issues. This work included advise on how to include cross-border migrant ethnic groups in an upcoming referendum, analysis on bilateral trade agreement formation, and a strategy for respondign to arbitration claims by the government of Sudan concerning oil pipeline fees.

Michael carried out this work through the Public International Law and Policy Group from August 2012 - June 2013.